The international scientific and analytical, reviewed, printing and electronic journal of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University ![]() |
Journal number 2 ∘ Ramaz Abesadze ∘ THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF THE INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF THE GEORGIAN ECONOMY DOI: 10.36172/EKONOMISTI.2022.XVIII.02.RAMAZ.ABESADZE Annotation. The pros and cons of innovative economic development in Georgia are studied and the main directions of the innovative economic development strategy of Georgia are identified. Keywords: Innovation Development Strategy, Innovation Policy, Innovation System, Technology Transfer, Innovation Infrastructure. Introduction Every country, regardless of its level of development, should strive in modern conditions to have an effective innovation system based on its own research. To do this, the government must create the conditions to strengthen innovatio activities, to raise an innovative creator in the economy. First of all, the government should define the innovation policy of the country and on this basis establish the legal basis for innovation development and create an effective innovation system. None of the previous governments in Georgia has taken effective measures for innovative development of the economy. SigJournal number 2 ∘ Zakhariі Varnalii ∘ Oksana Cheberyako ∘ Nataliia Miedviedkova ∘ Oksana Mykytiuk ∘ SOCIAL SECURITY OF UKRAINE UNDER THE WAR DOI: 10.36172/EKONOMISTI.2022.XVIII.02.Z.Varnalii.O.Cheberyako.N.Miedviedkova.O.Mykytiuk Abstract. The essence and content of the state’s social security and human social security are revealed, the role of economic security under the war is determined, the features of human social security under the war are investigated, threats to the critical state of social and economic security of Ukraine at the present stage are identified, priority goals and directions for ensuring human social security in war-time and the post-war period are revealed. Keywords: national security, economic security, state’s social security, human social security, threats to social security, ensuring social security, national interests. JELclassification: H56 INTRODUCTION The system of ensuring national security, including economic security and the priority social component, plays a leading role under the war. Currently, the essence of the category "security" has acquired a new sJournal number 2 ∘ Paata Koguashvili ∘ Ramaz Gakhokidze ∘ 0ENERGY COST OF THE CROP DOI: 10.36172/EKONOMISTI.2022.XVIII.02.P.Koguashvili.R.Gakhokidze Expanded Summary The world today is on the threshold of a new “green revolution”. New agro-organic technology based on the use of bio-energy activators is one way of addressing the problem of hunger and malnutrition. At the same time, it is a means of increasing the quantity and quality of agricultural products; it reduces the negative impact of chemicals on the environment, which will give considerable economic, ecological and social benefit. In modern times, the new-generation regulators are widely used in crop production, especially in cereal production, which are fundamentally different from other known chemicals and allow us to manage endogenous (own) regulatory systems of plants. Using bio-energy activators, it is possible to adapt plants to different conditions. Because of these regulators, plants are more resistant to diseases and pests even in low-fertility soils and more easily adapt to theJournal number 2 ∘ Mariam Lashkhi ∘ Sopio Ogbaidze ∘ Mariam Lashkhi ∘ Vakhtang Charaia ∘ STARTUP ACCESS TO FINANCE IN GEORGIA AND INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE DOI: 10.36172/EKONOMISTI.2022.XVIII.02.M.Lashkhi.S.Ogbaidze.M.Lashkhi.V.Charaia Abstract The main objective of the research paper is to analyze the existing means and methods of obtaining funding for startups in Georgia presented by the private sector (commercial banks, microfinance organizations, angel investors, venture capital funds, etc.), donor organizations (international foundations and institutions), and the state. The methodological approach involved conducting in-depth interviews with various funding program beneficiaries and fund managers presented in Georgia and distributing a questionnaire to start-uppers who have at least once pursued grant funding. The study aimed to identify opportunities and challenges for startups at each stage of the business lifecycle and formulate relevant recommendations. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, access to finance, start-uppers, startup funding, business lifecycle Introduction Innovation and knowledge spillovers that theseJournal number 2 ∘ Tengiz Verulava ∘ Avtandil Jorbenadze ∘ EXPARIENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRIMARY HEALTH CARE REFORM 1995-2003 DOI: 10.36172/EKONOMISTI.2022.XVIII.02.T.Verulava.A.Jorbenadze Expanded Summary Primary health care can be considered as health care system’s cost-effective mechanism, which is mainly focused on the prevention of diseases and improvement of health. An important part of the reform, which began in 1995, was the reorientation of hospital-oriented medicine to prevention and primary healthcare. The purpose of the research is to evaluate structural and financial changes of primary health care system in Georgia. The article is based on a documentary analysis, which included official documents and non-official journal publications. Georgia became one of the first post-Soviet countries where primary health care policies were introduced. The concept of family medicine was formed. The department of Primary Healthcare was established in the ministry of healthcare. The society of family medicine was formed. Family medicine has been admitted as an academic discipline, medical trainingJournal number 2 ∘ Levan kikilashvili ∘ Rusudan Kvaratskhelia ∘ GREEN TECHNOLOGIES - IN GEORGIAN PASSIVE SOLAR GREENHOUSES DOI: 10.36172/EKONOMISTI.2022.XVIII.02.L.Kikilashvili.R.Kvaratskhelia Summary. In the countries of the South Caucasus, particularly in Georgia, there are great opportunities for the development of green technology-based business, as evidenced by the funding of hundreds of thousands of GEL provided by international donor organizations to strengthen rural communities. Along with all the critical priority activities, promoting greenhouses is becoming increasingly important, providing a solid foothold for thousands of potential beneficiaries to gain economic freedom and employ members of vulnerable communities. That is why Georgia has the opportunity, because of its natural-climatic conditions, to develop the country spatially in the Agri sector, which allows the continuous construction of new greenhouses to support the development of the country as bio, Agri, eco-tourism so that hundreds of bio-farms can be more active in organic production. Popularization among tourists, includingJournal number 2 ∘ Khatuna Khaduri ∘ THE ROLE OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN POST-CONFLICT REGIONS DOI: 10.36172/EKONOMISTI.2022.XVIII.02.Khatuna.Khaduri Expanded Summary The search for and realization of effective ways to resolve conflicts peacefully and achieve stable bilateral cooperation between countries and within countries remains one of the major challenges facing the modern world. The article focuses on the importance of trade-economic ties and the role of private sector involvement in conflict resolution and socio-economic rehabilitation in post-conflict regions. The article also discusses the results of research on entrepreneurial activities in the villages of Shida Kartli near the administrative line of the occupied Tskhinvali region of Georgia and analyzes the peculiarities of trade relations in the post-conflict period. In the modern world, interstate and intra-state territorial and ethnic violent conflicts place a heavy burden on the political and economic security of countries, socio-economic development, welfare of countries and the integrationJournal number 2 ∘ Natia Sharabidze ∘ GEORGIAN PENSION SISTEM: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS DOI: 10.36172/EKONOMISTI.2022.XVIII.02.Natia.Sharabidze Expanded Summary The pension system, which aims to ensure adequate retirement income, fiscal sustainability of pension expenditures and an effective response to demographic change in the population, is the subject of active discussion in the developing countries of the world. In the wake of Georgia's economic development and deteriorating demographic situation, the need to modify and improve the pension system is, of course, becoming urgent. An ideal pension system is an important part of the state socio-economic policy. The goals of the pension system are: to ensure adequate pension income and fiscal sustainability of pension spending, which can be achieved by integrating an accumulative scheme into the system. The accumulative pension system is fair, taking into account the contributions of citizens to economic development, as well as enabling them to plan retirement income independently. The new pension sJournal number 2 ∘ Tsitsi Tsatskrialashvili ∘ GEORGIAN WINE TOURISM BUSINESS MODEL IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMAIL FAMILY WINERIES DOI: 10.36172/EKONOMISTI.2022.XVIII.02.Tsitsi.Tsatskrialashvili Expanded Summary Wine tourism is becoming more and more popular among both Georgian and foreign tourists and parties involved in tourism services. Therefore, suppliers of this tourist product appear on the market every day. Competition is high, and hopefully increased competition will guarantee high quality. The issue of wine tourism development is relevant, both in the world and in Georgia. Foreign researchers thoroughly study and are interested in this direction, you will find many works in the foreign scientific space, however, the joint, fundamental research of services and products in wine tourism in Georgia has not yet been conducted. This research is that serves the doctoral thesis, a part of which you will learn about in this article. The purpose of this work is to conduct fundamental researches of services and products included in wine tourism and to create a Georgian wine tourism business model foJournal number 2 ∘ Alimi Kherkhadze ∘ THE NECESSITY AND ESSENCE OF ACCElERATED DEVELOPMENT OF GEORGIAN ECONOMY DOI: 10.36172/EKONOMISTI.2022.XVIII.02.Alimi.Kherkhadze Resume In the very first years of gaining independence, Georgia faced severe social and economic problems. From the planned economy of the socialist set-up, there was no proper knowledge and ready recipe for the transition to a market economy, all this was compounded by the loss of raw and key markets and an externally inspired conflict-ridden economic crisis that led to the collapse of the country's economy. According to various estimates, the Georgian economy in 1994 was almost four times lower than in 1988. It can be said that Georgia's transition from a planned economy to a market economy was like the free fall of a fast-moving car with broken brakes. During the 30 years of economic fluctuations, Georgia has lagged far behind and all the channels of demand in the global economy have been filled. Unless there is an innovative or unique product, gaining a place and relative advantage in the global supply chain is especia |