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Journal number 3 ∘ Tengiz Verulava
The role of information in shaping human behavior



Expanded Summary 

In a world full of information, it is important to study the changing influence of information on human behavior and decision making. Human life is a complex maze of numbers, graphs and variables. Information can guide our choices, influence our decisions. However, the influence of information is not always beneficial. Sometimes information misleads people, distorts our perception of the real world, and puts us in certain ideological frameworks. Information can lead us to decisions that we may not choose voluntarily.

The purpose of the article is to explore the critical role that information plays in shaping human behavior. Accessible and relevant information has a significant impact on behavior change. There is a need to develop effective information strategies to create an environment of trust and high involvement in the community.

Keywords: information, human behavior, information management, fake news.


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