English / ქართული / русский /

Evaluation System

All articles submitted will be evaluated by two external reviewers the information about whom is confidential.

The article will be evaluated using a 100 _ point scoring system.

The article will be recommended for publication if both of the reviewers give positive assessment according to each component (half of the maximum point +1).

Finally, the editor in chief and editorial board with their respective field based on the findings of editor and reviewers receive the decision to publish the article in the journal.

 The article will be assessed using the following criteria:

  • Topicality of the article and research goal (maximum score: 20 points). Are checked: the significance of the article and the relevance of its aim with the research subject.
  • Scientific novelty of the article (maximum score 30 points). Is checked: scientific novelty of the research.
  • The practical or applied significance of the article (maximum score: 20 points). Are checked: theoretical and practical results of the research.
  • In-depth and thorough analysis (maximum score 20 points). Are checked: whether the discussion is logical and deep enough for accurate argumentation, published on the subject.
  • Layout of the article (maximum score 10 points).

Is checked: whether the article is well-organized or not to reach the assigned goal.
